Friday, September 08, 2006

First WEEk of SCHool

Tuesday, September 5 was my first offical day AS A SENIOR. It seemed like my summer pasted me by due to the fact that I was busy working at Harlem Live. THe first day of school was exciting because I saw all my friends and a few new teachers. Believe it or not, Homework was fun becase I missed my school work over the summer. I was also happy that my guidance counselor didn't mess up my program this year. This semester I'm taking Physics and It's very challenging. The first week of school is also my farvoite because I get to meet new teachers and other staff. I enjoy getting to know my classmates and teachers so I know what to expect during my semester.School...was very interestind and enjoyable THIS WEEK.
SATS....I'm frightened to take the SAT test. However, I do plan on taking SAT PREP to prepare me for the SAT exam. BEing that I want to be a pediatrician, my SAT score has alot to do with getting into a good college.


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